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The Privacy Act (2020)

The information held about your whānau and loved one is subject to the Privacy Act 2020.

Follow the link below to view the Privacy Act Legislation.

Your privacy rights

Personal information is any information that is about you or could identify you. Your name is the most basic example, but that’s just the beginning. 

Other examples include your address, your contact details, your employment or medical records, bank details, a picture of your face, your NHI number, or sometimes even your opinions on social media. All sorts of things can contain personal information, including notes, emails, recordings, photos and scans, whether they are in hard copy or digital.

The Privacy Act 2020 rules how organisations, government departments and businesses can collect, store, use and share your information. It ensures that:

  • you know when and why your information is being collected

  • your information is used and shared appropriately

  • your information is kept safe and secure

  • you can access the information an organisation holds about you


Almost all organisations and businesses must follow the Privacy Act. This includes hospitals, government departments, clubs, schools, churches, shops and more. In most cases, the Privacy Act does not apply to domestic affairs. This changes when the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information involved is highly offensive.


The Privacy Act has thirteen principles that businesses and organisations must follow when collecting, using, and storing your personal information. The principles are designed to ensure your personal information is protected and respected.

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