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Image by Malak kassem

Services List

Below is a list of other community services available in the Western Bay of Plenty that may be helpful for you and your whānau. We have also included various websites and apps. 

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and only includes free/low-cost services that you can access without a referral. If you need specific support that is not mentioned, contact us, and we can point you in the right direction.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

Gender Dynamix

A range of services and resources to meet the mental health needs of the trans, non-binary, and gender-diverse community

Grief Support Services

Subsidised counselling for individuals, children, and families/whanau whose lives are affected by grief and loss

St Peters House
Services to support your mental health and wellbeing including counselling (individual and couples), parenting courses, and self-development courses
​Tautoko Mai

24-hour sexual harm support including a crisis support service, medical exams, and facilitating access to ACC  sensitive claims counselling.

Ngāti Ranginui Iwi

Range of services including family harm support, addiction counselling, trauma counselling (both adults and tamariki), and peer support for tangata whai ora of mental health and addiction services

Turning Point

Services for people experiencing mental illness and/or addiction aimed at developing meaningful relationships and facilitating community inclusion and participation

Junction Peer Support

Peer support, activities and advocacy for people with mental Health and/or addiction issues.

Sage Career Support

Career and vocational support for people who have experience of mental health and/or addiction issues. 

Te Puna Hauora

Kaupapa Māori centred community mental services for tamariki, adults, and older people including support for whānau

Te Manu Toroa 

Kaupapa Māori health provider that operates two GP clinics (Tauranga and Pāpāmoa) and a range of community, whānau, and mental health/addiction services

Whaioranga Trust

A range of services to support whanau to live well in the community: Elder abuse response services, whanau support services, Day programmes, Disabilities support services, Traditional healings

Poutri Wellness Centre

Mental health, addictions and counselling services including anxiety group to 1:1 support, free counselling, support to reduce alcohol and drug use

Ngā Kākano Foundation

GP service, mental health and addiction services, and community health services for whānau/families living in the Te Puke community. 

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tamawhariua

Kaupapa Māori services based in Katikati. Services include mental health support, rangatahi and whānau support that will strengthen whānau, hapori, hapū and iwi, as well as our wider community.

Huria Trust

A provider of Kaupapa Māori education, training, health and social services. Services include nurse clinic, physiotherapy, disability information & support, free services for homeless and those in need, and workforce development services. 


A collective of community organisations that help people dealing with mental health and addiction challenges

​​​​Addiction and Substance Use Support ​​
Hamner Clinic 

Outpatient treatment for individuals and their whānau who are affected by alcohol and other drug dependence

Salvation Army Bridge Program​

Recovery-focused program to reduce the physical, physiological, and social harm that can result from the use of alcohol and or other drugs

The Level 

Information about the effects of substance use, safer use, where to get support, and how to support someone who is using alcohol and other drugs

Support for Young People 


Employ NZ

Wraparound support and NZQA-accredited education/training programs for rangatahi who have struggled or are struggling to engage in education or need help with employment ​​

Northern Health School

Community and hospital-based teaching for school-aged students who are too unwell to attend their regular school

Youth Encounter

Activity-based mentoring, therapy, and camps designed to empower rangatahi and unleash their potential


Support for young people and their families including mentoring, residential care, and parenting support.

Bay of Plenty Youth Development Trust

A range of programs for rangatahi to support their health and well-being, link them to employment and study/training pathways, develop resilience, and engage in meaningful activity


Mental health support for rangatahi experiencing mild-moderate mental health concerns including talking therapy, mentoring, and recreational activities

Live for more

Support through surf therapy for rangatahi who have been caught up in lifestyles of drugs, alcohol, and crime, and have slipped through the cracks of conventional intervention

Get Smart

Counselling and support services for rangatahi 25 and under and their families seeking help with alcohol or drug problems

The Lowdown ​​

An online space where rangatahi can find support and information for hauora, identity, culture, and mental health


An e-therapy game designed to equip rangatahi with life skills to power through stressful and negative emotions

Gumboot Friday

​Free counseling for anyone under 25

Don't Get Sucked In

A website encouraging teens not to pick up vaping information and research about vaping products and their use

Parenting/Whānau Support Plunket
​Support for the health and wellbeing of tamariki under five and their whānau
​Delivery of free meals to whānau with babies and young children who need support
​Support service for people with loved ones with substance use and addiction issues
​Support for people caring for someone with an eating disorder
Family Works Northern
​Social services for whānau including counselling (for families, individuals, and children/young people), social work support, and parenting courses.
Parent to Parent 
Support for whānau of disabled and neurodiverse people including resources and support groups for parents and siblings
Kidz Need Dadz
Support for dads including weekly support groups and one-on-one sessions to help support fathers with the day-to-day challenges of parenting 


(not currently accepting new whānau)

A place for neurodiverse tamariki who struggle with mainstream schooling that provides them with safe and supportive social environment for not only them but their whānau as well

Emerging Minds 

Resources and information to improve child mental health - including resources for children who have a parent with mental health challenges/parenting when you are struggling with your mental health

Parent Help

​Parenting helpline and counselling for parents, caregivers, and whānau in Aotearoa.


Fun, creative activities to do with tamariki to look after their wellbeing and feel good

All Right? 

A website designed to help you navigate life's challenges including tools and advice for parenting and wellbeing 

KidsHealth NZ

Accurate and reliable information for  parents and whānau about the health and wellbeing of tamariki 

Legal and Financial Support 


Baywide Community Law​

Free legal advice for people on low incomes or with disabilities/other disadvantages

 Bay Financial Mentors

Free financial, budgeting, and debt relief advice (including money management)

Citizens Advice Bureau

Information and advice to help people understand their rights, responsibilities, and support services available to them 

Sorted NZ 

Online service with tools and resources to help you manage your money 

Family Harm Support​


Tauranga Women's Refuge 

Safehouse and support services for women experiencing family harm

Tauranga Living Without Violence

Support for both victims and perpetrators of family harm (including a program for children)


Immediate help and support to women, children, and youth of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern origin who have experienced sexual abuse, domestic violence, and discrimination


Age Concern

Charity dedicated to supporting the dignity and wellbeing of people over 65 offering social activities and support services 

Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa

Access to affordable, confidential, non-judgemental sexual and reproductive health care, information, and advice

Here to Help U

An online hub set up to help you access support in the community by simply submitting a request through their website – this includes help with food, mental health, disability, employment, and financial/legal issues

Support Net

A Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Service (NASC) for people with disabilities or older people with health and disability related needs.


Personalised disability support services for people who have physical, cognitive and sensory disabilities, traumatic brain injuries and chronic health conditions.


Support and encourage individuals living with disabilities, autism and neurodiversity to live the life they choose and to be a real part of their communities.

Enliven Northen

Support to older people and those living with disabilities or injuries to maximise their independence, stay healthy and engage socially with others.

Multicultural Tauranga

Supports migrants in the Bay of Plenty with English Classes, Drivers Licence Support, Counselling, Immigration Advice, JP Service and tailored assistance based on individual and family needs.

Apps and Websites Worth Checking Out​​

​Just A Thought

Online evidence-based therapy courses to improve your mental health

Smiling Mind

Mindfulness and meditation app 

Small Steps 

Online tools and resources to support your wellbeing

Aroa Wellbeing

​An online hub where you can access tools to boost your well-being - created by rangatahi for rangatahi. 

Oho Mauri

Te reo Māori holistic wellbeing app  


Māori meditation and mindfulness app 

Aunty Dee

An online tool to help you work through problems and find solutions


A mental health app for teenagers

The Groov

An app that gives you everyday tool to feel good, bounce back from stress and sleep better. 


An app that provides a safe space for you to connect with and support other kiwis to uplift your emotional wellbeing

The Village

An app for young people who are going through tough times to have safe, guided conversations

Manaaki Ora Wellbeing App

Tips on how to self-help or support others who might be going through hard times or distress

Tough Talk

Online tools focused on men's mental wellbeing. 


Resources and advice to stay safe and secure online.

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